Steam Trap Systems Training

Steam Systems Course

With an equal amount of time devoted to both in-depth classroom instruction and on-site hands on training, the Swagelok Central Steam Trap Systems Training Programme provides invaluable skills and experience in identifying, sizing and inspecting steam traps.

This course is focused on providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the:

  • Correct selection and sizing of steam traps for your applications.
  • Optimum installation of steam traps for reliability and process compatibility.
  • How to correctly inspect your steam traps using various methods including, thermal, visual and ultrasonic detection.
  • Optimum methods for condensate removal or recovery.

We believe that by focusing on the following key areas you will be able to obtain an optimum performance from your steam trap system and ensure that it is functioning to exact specifications and expectations. Our course will train you to:

  • Enhance and improve your current steam trap testing and examination methods and procedures.
  • Improve the efficiency of condensate removal thereby boosting the overall performance of your steam system.
  • Be able to reduce energy loss and by doing so ensure greater performance and cut down on energy costs.

This course is continually upgraded and improved to include new technology and the shifting demands and expectations of the industry. We can also provide a bespoke steam trap training course to suit your business’ specific needs. To find out more call us on 01454 284455 or email our team at

Rise before steam trap 2

Steam Trap Systems Training

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Training Costs and Dates

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