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OpenCompliance and Accreditation
We serve a range of industries from Oil, Gas and Chemical to Semiconductor and Defence. Wherever a critical process using fluids or gases is required, you can be sure Swagelok's world class products are involved. As such, we take compliance seriously.
If you require a specific accreditation or regulation to achieve compliance and you want to work with Swagelok Central UK, please contact our Quality Manager, Adrienne Rademeyer at for more details.
Our policies are designed to ensure products and services reach Swagelok Central's customers with operational excellence in mind.
Requesting End User Details – Why we ask?
We ask for this information for a couple of reasons. Although it happens very rarely if there is a product quality issue that might affect the functionality and safe operation of our products, we are obligated to contact the end user so we can eliminate any risk or potential danger as quickly as possible.
It is also the responsibility of the Swagelok Sales and Service Centre to make sure that orders are not supplied into embargoed countries.
Please be aware that any end user details we request would only be used to support our legal and service obligations. Our intention is simply to confirm the end destination of the product. Disclosure of information is therefore limited only to Swagelok.
For more information please contact us on phone 01454 284455 or email us at