Process Analyser Sampling Systems Training
PASS Training
At Swagelok Central we know that accuracy and precision are essential to anyone involved with the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of Process Analyser Sampling Systems and obtaining reliable results from your sampling system is critical.
Instructed by Tony Waters and Phil Harris who are global experts and leaders in the field of sampling system design, Swagelok Central offers a training programme that equips you with the skills and abilities to ensure you thoroughly understand every aspect of the basic principles of sample system design, techniques used, operation, and maintenance of your sampling system. Often inaccuracy results from issues with the sampling system and not the analyser. Our comprehensive training course will teach you how to identify these issues and remedy them before they can cause further complications.
Over 5 days our PASS Training Course will cover topics such as:
- Reading and creating sampling system schematics.
- Designing and building a sampling system.
- Diagnosing sample transport problems, including time delay of liquids and gases.
- Evaluating and determining a sample tap location.
- Calculating pressure drop in a fast loop or return line.
- How to avoid or account for absorption and permeation.
- How and where to predict vapour condensation.
- The prevention or control of phase preservation.
- Vaporising a sample.
- How to avoid deadlegs in a sampling system.
- Various techniques of stream switching.
We believe that all of these skills are absolute essentials in maintaining your sampling system and we aim to teach you in 5 days what could take years to learn on your own. To find out more about this and our various other training courses call us on 01454 284455 or email us at to book.